
Coombe Wood Golf Club

Ladies Membership


Club House

We welcome new members and ensure they are integrated into the section

Coombe Wood’s Ladies’ section has approximately 100 active golfing members and Coombe Wood’s course is ideally suited to lady golfers. Although, it is a relatively short course that can be played in three and a half hours it is not an easy course and presents many challenges both to the relatively inexperienced and the experienced golfer. One of the attractions of the course is that it is in relatively short loops so that if time is limited the golfer is back at the club house after 6, 10, 12 or 18 holes. Golfers can start from the 1st or 11th tees. Other than for competitions there are no tee reservations.

There is a full range of activities both during the week (Tuesdays) and at the weekend. During the majority of the year there are at least two qualifying events a month on both Tuesdays and weekends, i.e. at least four a month in total. On Tuesdays, when there isn’t a qualifying event an organised golf in a fun format is usually arranged. There is an informal roll up most Friday mornings from about 9.30 am and full access to the course at all other times as advertised.

Each Bank Holiday we also have a mixed competition followed by prize giving. There are several combined competitions at the weekends too.

The club enters teams in the major Surrey events. We have over 20 friendly matches against other local clubs some on weekdays and others at the weekend. These allow members to play other courses for the price of tea and are a good introduction to competitive match play. We very much encourage all our members to take part once they have achieved a handicap.

The club also has reciprocal arrangements with seven other clubs where members are able to play golf for free on weekdays.

The course has good natural drainage and is often playable when surrounding courses are closed. The club very rarely has temporary greens or tees (usually only when improvements are being made to the course). We welcome and integrate new members into the club’s activities. If you are new to golf the Academy at Coombe Wood provides a way of learning golf and getting to a standard that allows you to obtain a handicap.

We have a light and airy clubhouse with great views to the North Downs where you can enjoy lunch or tea after a game or a drink on the balcony on a summer’s evening.

We welcome new members and ensure they are integrated into the section. We have an away day each summer to a local course within easy driving distance and also a 2 day way weekend with fun golf competitions and a dinner. Each year we have an annual prize giving evening for all of the section and a Charity Dinner each May to support the Lady Captain’s charity.

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